Update your blue card details

If you have applied for a blue card, you need to let us know about any changes to your contact details within 7 days of the change.

If you have a current blue or exemption card, you need to let us know about any changes to your contact details within 14 days of the change.

Online applicant portal

The online applicant portal allows you to update personal details such as your:

  • email address
  • phone number (landline or mobile)
  • home or postal address, and
  • name.

You can also request a replacement card if you change your name.

Log in to the online applicant portal to make any of these changes.

If you have not yet registered for an online account, you will need to do this first before updating your contact information.

Without the portal

If you cannot use the online applicant portal, use the below form to update your:

  • email address
  • phone number (landline or mobile)
  • home or postal address.

If you have changed your name, you will need to complete and submit a change of name form instead.

  1. I need to update my: Select all that apply.
  2. Street address
    1. Is your postal address the same as your street address? *
  3. Postal address (If you chose ‘No’ above)
  4. Phone
  5. Your details
    1. Your details
  6. I confirm this information*